IWB Holsters

concealed iwb holsterThere are a lot of states that allow you to carry concealed if you have the proper training and permits. However, they do often state that it must be concealed completely for you to be carrying “legally”. At times, this can be a little tricky to do if you are wearing it strapped to your waist since even a jacket can move out of the way at times. For that reason, many people choose to wear IWB holsters.

Reasons to Choose IWB

iwb pistol holsterA holster should fit securely against your body. It should not be allowed to shift positions on your hip or show through your clothing. The IWB type holsters help both of these things happen since it will ride inside of the waistband of your pants, between the pants and undergarments. A lot of these holsters also make it possible for you to tuck in a shirt around them so that you can dress nicely, even while carrying.

Choosing IWB

tuckable iwb holsterIf concealment is something that you want, this type of holster is one of the best options. However, to make it effective, you need to keep in mind a few things. Your pistol should be easy to get to, even if it is inside of the waistband of your pants. For this reason, many suggest that you have a friction retention holster. It will allow your weapon to slide in and out easily, but will also hold it firmly. Comfort for you is also something to think about because if you are not comfortable with the holster for any reason, you will be less likely to wear it. Therefore, you should choose a holster that is made using a material that you can live with and that it is lightweight enough for you to feel comfortable with it. With that being said, most all holsters will feel weird at first, especially if it is against your body. You should allow yourself at least two weeks to “try” the holster before you return it. If it is still something you feel rather than allowing you to “forget” you have it, you may want to try something else.